When we last left Florida, it was in the mid seventies and low eighties nearly everyday. The locals were complaining that it hadn’t rained enough. “Its too hot and dry.” they said. Well, be careful of what you wish for. When we returned to Jacksonville, the weather had certainly changed. There has been some rain, not a lot by local standards, but the temperature has gone way south, lows in the teens, highs in the thirties and low forties with winds blowing a gale. Not real pleasant to hang out in, unless of course you had ice skating in mind.

We are very fortunate not to be braving this weather in the trailer. It is still sitting snugly in its warehouse and we have rented a house near the beach, with central heating, hot water, and a fireplace. It has 3 bedrooms (with king size beds) a nice kitchen, and big living room with fancy TV and WIFI. We have been waiting out the weather mostly inside, either in bed or sitting under blankets watching TV, reading books or cruising the WEB. What few forays we have made outside require hats, coats, and gloves, which really makes one feel kind of silly stepping out into what looks like a sub-tropical locale. The palms, hibiscus, bougainvillea and palmettos are still here, some of them not looking very good, but in the bright sunshine it looks like it should be warm, but the wind in your face, your frozen feet, and cold hands bring you back to the strange reality that it is dangerously cold out here. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

All is not lost however, Today, (Wednesday) the temp is rising to a high in the fifties, and by Friday it is supposed to rise into the seventies. After that it is supposed to stay in the mid sixties. I hope that is true. We want warm weather in Key Largo by the time we get there. (This week it got down to 33 degrees) Not so good.
Enough about the weather. We picked Dede up at Joan’s and while she was happy to see us I think she rather enjoyed her stay with Joan. She has gained a bit of weight as Joan did quite a bit of cooking for Dede when she refused to eat her dog food. It is now back to cold stark reality, or cold dry dog kibble. Dede still likes to run on the beach, when we can coax her out of the warm house to go down to the beach.
Pats is doing fine, she has recovered from out trip to Santa Cruz, and is spending some time with her sister and friends, getting ready for the holidays and just hanging out. We have both been mostly keeping warm in our beach house. We are looking forward to doing more outdoor activities once it warms up.